2020 Christmas message from the CEO

From the chief executive officer

The world is seeing a crisis of an unprecedented nature and effects and I want to congratulate everyone for pulling together. I am especially proud for what an extraordinary organisation Goodwin is, and it is thanks to all of you.

I wish to express my most heartfelt thanks to each and every one of our employees. You are all setting an extraordinary example of commitment, professionalism, and solidarity. You are the best guarantee that Goodwin will emerge from the events of the past year stronger. Your focus and commitment to care for our clients and residents, and each other, often in the toughest of circumstances has been amazing.

Every role across the organisation is part of a great team, doing magnificent things for our residents, families and clients and the local community.

So much has changed this past year – the world around us, our neighbourhoods, gathering spaces, the places we work and call home. Life in the midst of COVID-19 has sparked fear, frustration and anxiety all around. Our residents, clients and families have shown great resilience and patience in managing these challenges and changes. Our mission is to help support you, but this year your wisdom and spirit were a valued support to our team in return.

I am overwhelmed by the unquestionable strength and character of our community. Like many organisations, we have been so encouraged by the outpouring of support we have received throughout the year. The messages of gratitude, acts of generosity and words of encouragement are powerful affirmations for the whole Goodwin team. THANK YOU.

As always, I would like to extend a special thank you to each of the resident and social committee members across our villages who dedicate their own time and to those residents who have worked generously to raise funds for various charities and, importantly this year, the rural fire service and bush fire recovery efforts. We’re very proud of the contributions made across all our sites.

On behalf of the Goodwin Board and management team we thank you for your ongoing support of the organisation and hope you are able to spend precious time with loved ones over the summer holidays. Please stay up to date with ACT and NSW Health directives and most importantly stay safe and well.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.

Best wishes,

Sue Levy, Chief Executive Officer
