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Goodwin celebrates Staff Appreciation Day

On our annual Staff Appreciation Day, Tuesday 10 September, please join us in sharing messages of appreciation.

Our workers in care, nursing, front desks, hospitality, cleaning, maintenance, activities, Day Clubs, allied health, sales, village management and behind the scenes are our everyday heroes, enabling Goodwin to provide our services and contribute to our residents’ and clients’ wellbeing.

‘We launched this annual event last year because we know that a simple thank-you can go a long way – but that sometimes we need to say it a little louder to make sure it’s truly heard’, said Chief Executive Officer Sue Levy. ‘Ours can be a tough industry to work in because a lot of heart goes into our work. So on Staff Appreciation Day we crank up the love and say thank you as loudly and as publicly as we can, to each and every person in the Goodwin team.

‘I’m already seeing loads of heart-warming messages come in from residents and clients,’ said Ms Levy. ‘I am so proud of all the team to have inspired such gratitude and admiration in the people we serve. The evidence of their dedication and passion is plain to see in these messages.’

‘Goodwin has a great reputation as an organisation of quality service and facilities and strong values. That’s in no small part because of the jobs our people do, the values they apply to their own work, and the integrity with which they do it.’

We invite residents, clients and their families to join in by sharing your personal message, to make the day extra special. It’s ok if messages come in a little late, they will still be shared. Thank You Trees will stay up for a week or more.

How to participate:

  • If you are at one of our villages or Day Clubs, stick a message onto the ‘thank-you tree’ you will find near reception

  • Send a letter or card to your chosen site or our home care office: Goodwin Home Care, Level 2, 105 Mawson Drive, Mawson ACT 2607

  • Leave a message on Goodwin’s Facebook page.
